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Learning Solutions

Educators, youth and parents have a common moral purpose: A positive and meaningful learning experience for learners. To accomplish this moral purpose, each stakeholder has a different perspective based on a different viewpoint. Therefore, our approach is customized and data driven. We gather relevant information to understand the specific needs of a learner from different viewpoints to deliver a responsive learning experience.


Our innovative learning solutions are offered in virtual and face to face settings to successfully implement each service and make a real world impact.

We believe in leveraging the power of technology to deliver innovative services to more consumers. Hence, the reason 100% of our services have the option of virtual delivery with the same rigor and effectiveness. Feel free to contact us for customized services through our consulting expertise.

Explore specific services are as described below:



Mrs. Lemon

The Kazich school, Abuja.

Mr. Patrick



Our Consulting Services are data driven to assess the unique needs of each client and deliver lasting solutions. We clarify our solutions through a carefully crafted strategic plan and periodic monitoring tools to measure long and short term progress. Necessary adjustments are continually made in order to improve services and make the maximum impact. Below is summary of our Consulting Approach:

1. Needs Analysis: Data collection and data interpretation of current reality of the client's need

2. Action Plan: Customized Strategic/Action Plan with identified timelines for project deliverables, project personnel, progress monitoring plan and Impact assessment plans.

3. Implementation: Implementation of plan recommendations with fidelity and consistency.

4. Progress Monitoring: Evaluate implementation of plans as stipulated for each project

5. Continuous Improvement: Gradual release of consulting support with provision of resources to sustain the client's progress made and mitigate future challenges.


Youth Services:

Our services have the option to be delivered in virtual or face to face settings; therefore, we strive to encourage an engaged and connected community of literate youth, and like minded individuals. Our goal is to constantly keep the youth positively engaged with access to 21st century concepts, e-learning solutions, resources, and actionable insights to empower all youth with reading and writing skills for real world success. Simply put, we model real world approaches for implementing Digital Citizenship - Safe, legal and ethical uses of technologies, copyright and respect for digital properties.


Conceptual Knowledge to promote youth literacy:

  1. Emotional Intelligence (EQ) Explore personal and social skills relevant for developing positive character traits in real world settings, writing, and storytelling

  2. Computational Thinking (CT): Advanced and innovative approaches to create transferrable patterns as well as solutions in digital and non-digital authoring environments.

  3. Digital Authorship: Leveraging open source solutions to author original digital artifacts for a specific audience.


Problem Solving and Executive Functioning Skills for Real World Success:

We are known for our customized Literacy program to help your child make academic progress and positive improvement in real world settings beyond the school environment; therefore, we incorporate and apply these two essential skills into our Literacy curriculum: 1. Computational Thinking (CT) 2. Emotional Intelligence (EQ). Computational Thinking is a relevant skill for anyone to develop and apply step by step processes for problem solving and executive functioning.


Emotional Intelligence builds character in anyone by developing personal and social awareness as well as strategies for sustaining these levels of awareness in multiple settings including virtual settings. This means your learner will learn strategies for developing a sense of self, personal and social management skills. We help your child grow as a reader and writer in ways that support positive behaviors, positive character traits, self confidence and positive relationships at home or school. Parents need to work with us to implement specific strategies at home with consistency and fidelity for maximum success.


In addition, we provide services directly to children whose parents need a Literacy expert to deliver tutoring services or learning experiences in the following areas:

  1. Literacy: Reading and Writing skills, Spelling, and Grammar (Tutoring)

  2. Special Education Learners with IEPs, Reading Intervention, Reading disorders, Handwriting and Language Disorder, etc.

  3. English Language Learners: Support for Learners who speak English as a second language (ESOL, ELL)

  4. Homeschool Support: Semester to semester Literacy support for homeschool students (K-12).



Seasonal Activities:

Our summer camp services have the option to be delivered in virtual or face to face settings; therefore, we strive to encourage an engaged and connected community of emotionally intelligent e-learners, parents, educators, digital citizens, computational thinkers, and like minded individuals. Our goal is to constantly keep you engaged with access to 21st century topics, e-learning solutions, resources, and actionable insights to empower your learner with virtual learning experiences. 

Upcoming virtual camps:

Daily Time: 12-2pm Eastern Time

Theme: Emotional Intelligence for Succeeding in Dynamic Virtual Environments

Dates: Elementary (TBD);  Middle School (TBD).

Theme: Computational Thinking for Innovative Mindsets

Dates: Elementary (TBD);  Middle School (TBD);  High School (TBD).



Professional Development

Schools have the option to select between Training and/or Coaching

An interactive opportunity to receive virtual training (Digital Discourse) or in-person training on global trends for innovative learning experiences that promote initiatives among K-12 professionals, Parents and educators may collaborate, receive resources, actionable insights, and ask questions during Training or Digital Discourse. The flexibility allows entities to request specific topic(s) during booking, or choose from ours (see some suggestions below) and we will deliver on a date that works for your sector. Training will be provided as a one time experience, while coaching is delivered on an ongoing support schedule to implement the initiative and monitor impact through period assessments and evaluation of the initiative.

Suggested Topics:

  • Computational Thinking

  • Project Based Learning

  • Emotional Intelligence

  • Youth Leadership

  • Personalized Learning

  • Design Thinking

  • Problem-Based Learning,

  • Technology Integration, etc.

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